Arezou Kohan
Arezou Kohan is an integrative business expert , counselor, advisor, author, and healer specializing in empowering women in business.
She transitioned into coaching after years of being a trusted attorney and mediator in Los Angeles. As such, she understands what it is like to want to build a business in a male-dominated industry without losing your feminine essence. She melds fierce advocacy with a keen business sense and intuitive coaching to take a firm stand for women’s wellbeing and ascension into positions of leadership, power, influence and philanthropy because she believes that the world will be better for it. She offers limited 1:1 coaching and an on-line branding and business-building/business-development course. This is her second term on the Board of Governors of Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles. She practices yoga 3-4 per week. She is also into healthy eating, travel, and backgammon.