Diana Hernandez

Ms. Hernandez is a third-year student at Loyola Law School.  Ms. Hernandez began her involvement with women and children’s issues before attending law school.  After graduating college she volunteered as an advocate for survivors at the Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center.  Among her clients at the center were women and inmates who had either been raped as children or had suffered sexual violence while incarcerated. During this time she also served as a compliance monitor for her local youth court program, a diversion program for teens who have committed non-violent offenses. During law school, Ms. Hernandez has served as an intern for Public Advocates, where she helped with actions against school districts intended to hold them accountable for their deficient implementation of the state funding law meant to help students who are low-income, English learners, and foster youth.  Ms. Hernandez has also been involved with the law school’s Juvenile and Fair Sentencing Clinic, where she represents clients convicted as juveniles at varying stages of the appellate and parole process.  This summer, Ms. Hernandez worked at Disability Rights California, the largest disability rights group in the nation.  After graduation from law school, she hopes to pursue a career as a civil rights attorney.