Elisa Hermann

2011 Public Interest Grant Recipient

Elisa Hermann is currently a student at Loyola Law School.  Ms. Hermann began her commitment to women’s and children’s issues during high school.  At sixteen years of age, she enrolled in a 40-hour domestic violence course to be able to volunteer at a local battered women’s shelter.  She thereafter volunteered for six years with Sojourn Services for Battered Women and Their Children.  After graduating from UCLA in 2008, she participated in a fellowship in Israel.  Among the organizations she worked for during her fellowship were Itach-Maaki, Women Lawyers for Social Justice, which allowed her to help improve the treatment of minority women under Israeli law, and Advancement of Education Institute, for which she wrote grants for low-income children to enable them to receive educational and professional enrichment programs.  During the summer of 2010, Ms. Hermann was an intern at the Community Legal Services, where she helped prepare restraining orders at the Domestic Violence Clinic at the Compton and Norwalk Courthouses.  During the summer of 2011, Ms. Hermann will be working for Los Angeles Dependency Lawyers, where she will be assisting parents and guardians with representation in dependency hearings.  In addition to her legal experience, she is active in the Women’s Law Association at Loyola Law School.  She was this year’s co-community service chair.  As co-chair, she implemented a volunteer hotline with the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles for students at Loyola to help victims of domestic violence that are struggling with family law issues.  She also planned an event in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month by having various attorneys discuss the challenges of working with sexual assault survivors.  In the upcoming school year, Ms. Hermann will be President of the Women’s Law Association.  Post-law school, Ms. Hermann intends to create a post-graduate public interest fellowship that focuses on legal issues affecting sexual assault survivors.