MEMBER RESOURCES - Mentoring Programs


Career Mentoring Program

WLALA is pleased to offer mentoring circles for WLALA members to support their career development.  The mentoring circle is an informal group composed of lawyers, judges and others in the legal field from a variety of practice areas and experience levels.  Since it can sometimes be challenging to find the right “fit” for one-on-one mentoring, the mentoring circles provide an opportunity for participants to meet multiple people and benefit from the wisdom of a group.  Over the years, many women involved in the mentoring circles have become a close-knit group of champions for one another’s success.

WLALA organizes mentoring circles Downtown and on the Westside that meet every other month, usually in the evening.  Most meetings take place at a restaurant so that participants can share stories and advice over dinner.

We would love to have you join us.

If you would like to receive the career mentoring circle dinner notices, please CLICK HERE, and fill out the form.*

Law Student Mentoring Program

WLALA’s Law Student Mentoring Program pairs law student members with lawyer members to encourage and facilitate the development of women law students.  Mentors and mentees are matched based on interests and background, where possible.  The program is flexible; mentors and mentees choose when and how to stay connected with one another, whether it is through e-mail, telephone chats, in-person meetings, or a combination of the above.  Many participants find that the one-on-one mentoring relationship becomes a long-term friendship with mutual benefits. 

If enough law students and lawyer members express an interest in a mentoring circle (an informal group composed of lawyers and law students that meets on a periodic basis), mentoring circles may also be organized.           

We would love to hear from you, whether you are a lawyer looking for a rewarding and simple way to promote the full participation of women in the legal profession, or a law student interested in finding a mentor.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the Law Student Mentoring Program, please CLICK HERE.*

* You must be a WLALA Member to participate in the Career Mentoring Circle and Law Student Mentoring Program.
