Mirelle Raza

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Mirelle Raza is an Assistant United States Attorney for the Central District of CA, where she handles multijurisdictional cases involving human trafficking, white collar fraud, organized retail theft, and officer involved shootings. Mirelle graduated from Santa Clara University in 2015, with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies. She began her career as a Victim Advocate at the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, primarily focusing on child abuse, human trafficking, and sexual assault. In 2018 Mirelle began law school at USC Gould School of Law, where she was heavily involved with the Public Interest Law Foundation and First Generation Professional Program. She was a clinical student in the International Human Rights Clinic and a research assistant in Professor Thomas Lyon’s Child Interviewing Lab. Her 1L summer was spent clerking at the U.S. DOJ’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section in Washington DC, working on cases of sex tourism, child sex trafficking and child pornography. During her 2L summer, she was an Honors Clerk at the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office. As part of the Attorney General’s Honors Program, Mirelle spent 6 months as a deputized D istrict Attorney for Alameda County. Mirelle teaches an undergraduate course, Violence Against Women, as an Adjunct Professor at Santa  Clara University. Mirelle article, Dispelling Sex Trafficking Conspiracy Theories: The Truth Behind Who Is Recruited by Traffickers and How, was publsihed in the William & Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice in 2023.
Mirelle was WLALA’s 2019 RBG Scholarship recipient. Her other accomplishments include USC Gould Public Interest Scholar, Human Trafficking Institute’s Fredrick Douglass Fellowship, Fair and Just Prosecution Fellowship, South Asian Bar Association DC Public Interest Fellowship, USC Gould Miller-Johnson Equal Justice Prize, Philippine American Bar Association Scholarship Award, Raissa and Bill Choi Scholarship Award, Vietnamese American Bar Association of Northern California Scholarship Award, and Beverly Hills Bar Association Scholarship Award.