Monica Ramsy
2017 Public Interest Grant Recipient
Monica Ramsy created a Know-Your-Rights brochure regarding religious refusals of reproductive healthcare services. Working with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California’s LGBTQ, Gender and Reproductive Justice Project, Ms. Ramsy’s project included a multifaceted public education campaign, in-depth intake interviews with patients and healthcare providers, and creating materials synthesizing the narratives in light of relevant law. Ms. Ramsy graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern California with a major in Gender Studies and a minor in Natural Sciences and is currently a 2L at Boalt Law School in the University of California, Berkeley. Ms. Ramsy brought a wealth of experience and knowledge to this project from her previous roles as a campus organizer for the Feminist Majority Foundation, a high school sexual education instructor for Planned Parenthood, and research assistant to Professor Michele Goodwin, from UCI School of Law, a health justice legal expert.