Nalleli Sandoval
2014 Public Interest Grant Recipient
Ms. Sandoval is entering her second year at Southwestern Law School this fall. Even prior to law school, Ms. Sandoval has exhibited her passion for issues affecting women and children. Following college, Ms. Sandoval became involved with the Americorps City Year Program, where she planned school-wide initiatives and designed lesson plans to promote literacy among the youth. Thereafter, Ms. Sandoval participated in the Americorps Justicecorps Program, where she worked at a self-help center at the Los Angeles Superior Court and assisted self-represented litigants with divorces and paternities. Most of her cases at the Justicecorps Program involved women going to trial against their husbands. More recently, Ms. Sandoval participated in the Justicebus program, which gave her the opportunity to assist victims of domestic violence. This summer, Ms. Sandoval will be externing in Buenos Aires, Argentina to further her interests in women issues.