Jindan-Karena Kaur Mann
2015 Public Interest Grant Recipient
Jindan-Karena Kaur Mann is entering her third year at USC Law School this fall. Ms. Mann’s developed her interest in international human rights law after she learned about the significant gender inequality that eventually resulted in the demise of certain of her female relatives. Given her focus, Ms. Mann has traveled to many countries, and has worked with NGOs based in Switzerland, including YouthSection and Identity Through Initiative. While in law school, Ms. Mann was one of 8 students chosen for the International Human Rights Clinic for the 2014-2015 year where she represented a female client who is a survivor of human trafficking and domestic violence, and also worked on two projects on issues concerning unaccompanied children fleeing from gang violence in Central America. During the clinic, Ms. Mann also received training from the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking on representation of survivors of human trafficking. She hopes to work for an international tribunal after law school to continue her human rights work and is also applying to work for a human rights organization here in Los Angeles.