RECORDING Inclusivity, Intersectionality and Becoming a Better Ally in the Legal Profession


This seminar will explore how to be a consistent, effective ally – someone who supports equality, stands up for the rights of others, and can be a powerful voice alongside underrepresented individuals or groups. In this
seminar, you will learn about:

  • The neuroscience of in-group and out-group bias
  • Intersectionality and valuing the multiplicity of identities held by an individual (i.e., the “whole self”)
  • Creating space so teams can thrive with a diversity of backgrounds, approaches and knowledge to find common ground
  • Techniques for holding yourself and others accountable for words and actions
  • How to amplify the voices of those who may be underrepresented

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Member, Government, Public Interest, or Solo and Small Firm, Law Student and Retired, Non Member