Martha Escutia
Email Address
Level Attorney – 6+ years practicing
Join Date 2022-05-22
Law School Georgetown Law
Grad Year 1982
Bar Number 129652
Education and Experience USC 1979, BS Public Policy, Georgetown Law 1982, JD., International Certificate The World Court The Hague, 1986, State Senator 1998-2006, State Assemblywoman 1992-98, USC Vice President Government Affairs and Special Counsel 2010-present, Founding Partner Senator’s Firm 2010-13, Partner Manatt Phelps, 2007-10,
Employer Name University of Southern California
Professional Title Retired State Senator Escutia, USC Vice President
Employer Address Line 1 3551 Trousdale Parkway, ADM 360
Employer City Los Angeles
Employer State CA
Employer Zip Code 90089
Employer Website
Employer Phone Number 213 740-5371
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