Mira Hashmall
Email Address mhashmall@millerbarondess.com
Level Attorney – 6+ years practicing
Join Date 2023-02-07
Law School University of Southern California, Gould School of Law
Grad Year 2001
Bar Number 216842
Education and Experience University of California, Berkeley, B.A.; University of Southern California, Gould School of Law, J.D.; Jones Day, Associate (2000-2007); Miller Barondess, LLP, Partner (2007 – Present)
Employer Name Miller Barondess, LLP
Professional Title Partner
Employer Address Line 1 2121 Avenue of the Stars, 26th Floor
Employer City Los Angeles
Employer State CA
Employer Zip Code 90067
Employer Website http://www.millerbarondess.com
Employer Phone Number (310) 552-4400
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